  1. One J.O.B at a time!

    To avoid being overwhelmed remember to just do one J.O.B at a time. That’s Just One Bite! Tackle small parts of the job in small sessions.

    You may like to collect all your USBs, hard drives and folders of photos and simply transfer them all to one spot to start, then the next day you might tackle sorting into folders of years or categories.

    Using the one J.O.B method can help you putting tasks like this in the too hard basket.

  2. Use Folders and Subfolders

    When categorising your photos utilise folders and subfolders separating events, holidays, projects, birthdays etc. this way you will be able to easily navigate and find the particular folder you are searching for.

    For example –

    Holiday (Main Folder)

    Hawaii 2020 (Subfolder)


    2019 (Main Folder)

    Queensland Trip (Subfolder)

  3. Use Favourites

    Most camera rolls or cataloguing systems will provide you with the option to select favourite photos.

    When favouriting photos, they are automatically sent to a separate folder dedicated to these important photos.

    This favourites folder should only be used for the most significant or required photos from your collection as we do not want this to become another cluttered folder!

    Unfavouriting a photo does not lead to it being deleted it will remain within the folder or subfolder that it has been placed in.

  4. Use Delete Button

    Don’t be afraid to delete photos that are just taking up space!

    Is there any purpose of having five photos of your birthday cake? Is there any purpose having blurred photos that you are unable to identify what the photo is of? I think we all are able to identify when it is best to hit the delete button and move on with the organising process.

    You are more likely to go back and look over your photos if you have less searching to do to find the important photos. Digital clutter is still clutter!

  5. Purchase A Quality External Hard Drive

    A physical backup in form of an external hard drive is essential! You can easily automate your backups so the only responsibility is to get the system started and continue using the system.

    Officeworks have a fantastic range of external hard drives, we have provided with the direct link below -

  6. Good Habits

    Good organisation is about maintaining the implemented system. You can organise your entire photo collection but if you do not continue to place them within the allocated folder or subfolder when doing uploads, it is not going to remain organised for very long. 

    Check regularly that your backups are functioning correctly and make sure that you are looking after this external hard drive.  Being digitally organised can help you easily enjoy your photos and quickly create printed photo books that you never seem to get around to!