
Once you realise that Natalie is there to help you and not judge you, you realise how amazing this woman is! Before we started, we sat down and went through what I wanted to achieve and why I wanted to start this project so we talked about my goals, what I wanted and how she could help me achieve them. Starting wasn’t hard for me, I was good to let go of things just cluttering my life. However, when we got to a few key items, I was surprised how hard it was for me to let them go. Natalie, so patient, talked me through it, asked me what I was feeling, why I was feeling it, and if I couldn’t make a decision in that moment, we put it into a ‘think about it pile’ and come back to it. Natalie knows the right things to say, she understands the psychology behind the thought process, and knows how to speak to you so you don’t feel threatened, pushed or bullied. Her pure and honest love for wanting to help people feel better about themselves, is there. You see it in her enthusiasm as you start each room. I cannot thank Natalie enough for what she has done for me and my family. I never realised how cluttered my life was. I was so overwhelmed with the mess, it caused me great anxiety and depression. I feared people just ‘dropping by’ as I knew my house would be a mess. I have ZERO regrets in all the ‘no love’ items that I discarded from my home. Instead, I have a spacious home, that my two girls can play, run, dance and scoot in (we’re right in the COVID 19 pandemic so it’s not as easy to go outside). It takes me about 5 minutes a day to clean my home and 30 mins on the weekend to do a ‘deep clean’. My whole mindset has changed, and the way I do things. Natalie kept saying ‘never leave a room empty handed’… I didn’t get it in the moment, I do now. It’s changed our world. I now LONG for a friend to ‘surprise’ me with a visit… when COVID 19 is over, this better happen! I message Natalie daily, showing her how we’re going, I feel like she’s my accountability partner, and every day, she makes me smile and give me that motivation. I cannot thank Natalie enough, she’s changed my whole world, I’m happier, have way less anxiety and most importantly, I feel like I have control over my life.

- Kelly and Keith

“We fell into unfortunate circumstances whilst I was 7 months pregnant due to over commitment and we were really unsure if there was light at the end of the tunnel. We sold our property of 10 years and decided to relocate to a townhouse not fully comprehending the amount of work involved. The amount of possessions that we had compared to the amount of possessions that we would be able to take with us lead to a lot of arguments and stress, we then we came across Team Tidy. These women were unbelievable getting hard to work decluttering, organising, packing and then unpacking. Our townhouse is a dream all thanks to Team Tidy.”

— Rachel and Thomas

“Team Tidy goes above and beyond to exceed all of your expectations and the support provided from the initial enquiry stages to a monthly follow up is like no other. These women are angels sent from heaven to help relieve all of your stresses and unhappy feelings. I felt from the very first phone conversation that I could be open and honest without being judged even though I was embarrassed about the amount of possessions and disorganisation within our property. I have committed to a monthly visit from Team Tidy to ensure that we remain on track as we do not want to revert back to our old habits. Thank you Team Tidy!”

— Stacey and Timothy

“I couldn’t be more grateful to Team Tidy! I use Team Tidy for regular one off life admin tasks to give me a much needed extra pair of hands! You have changed my life for the better. In addition to this and due to being a busy professional I found it so difficult to maintain my spaces but after a decluttering and organisation session with Natalie and Cass everything has changed. These amazing women provided with so many helpful tips and implemented systems that work for me making it a breeze to commit to. I feel as if my everyday is much more organised and stress free. I will definitely be recommending your services to all of my friends and family. ”

— Katherine