- Several rooms declutter & organisation project -

- Ongoing minimalist coaching -

Kelly and Keith are both hardworking professionals with two very sweet daughters who embraced this project as much as their parents!

Kelly and Keith contacted Team Tidy to perform their whole house declutter and organisation project before they undertook kitchen renovations.

Kelly and Keith’s biggest challenges included being overwhelmed due to amount of possessions and unsure where and how to begin with the assessing and culling of possessions.

Kelly and Keith begun their minimalism and decluttering journey with Team Tidy as their goal was to feel less consumed by their possessions, creating a relaxing home environment where daily chores could be performed with ease.

Team Tidy assisted with guiding Kelly and Keith with the critical assessment of possessions to cull and declutter to allow the possessions that are loved and used to be utilised and displayed, ensuring that the property now works for them.

We are proud to announce that after the whole house declutter and organisation project was completed that Kelly and Keith have decided against the kitchen renovations as they now have plenty of space for family activities!


- Lounge room declutter & organisation project -

Check out the latest lounge room declutter and organisation project completed by two of our amazing organisers!

This project involved the removal of unwanted items, organising the remaining items and furniture as well as the implementation of effective storage solutions.

The client and her family can now relax and enjoy watching a movie without feeling overwhelmed by their surrounding environment.


- Home office declutter & organisation project -

Home office declutter and organisation projects are becoming increasingly popular due to the flexibility of being able to work from home.

Check out the latest home office project completed by Team Tidy!

We used existing storage that the client had within her home as an easy and cost effective method to implement suitable storage solutions that will benefit her long term.

This project also included the removal of unwanted furniture and items.


- Laundry declutter & organisation project -

Check out the latest laundry declutter and organisation project that was completed by Team Tidy!

This is now an easy space to manage the laundry needs of the family easily and quicky.

Are you interested in our decluttering and organisation services? Have a look through the gallery and contact us today!


- Garage declutter & organisation project -

Experiencing issues with a single area of your property?

Team Tidy can assist!

We understand that there may be a certain problem area within your property that you require assistance with.

We understand that it is often a struggle to find the motivation to tackle this particular area as it is often behind closed doors and has been ignored for an extended period of time.

With the flexibility on offer at Team Tidy we can assist with that particular problem area and ensure we offer handy tips and storage solutions throughout our attendance.

A garage becomes a perfect location for storage however when it has been neglected for a number of years it can become overwhelming and individuals often wonder where to begin.

Team Tidy recent garage project was very satisfying as we were able to implement effective storage solutions as well as rid of many unwanted possessions.


- Pantry declutter & organisation project -

Pantry’s are one of our most popular areas to tackle!

If you want to spend less time looking for items, less time accidently buying items you already have or simply want to have an amazing looking pantry then this service is for you.

We don’t judge the spices you have had since 2005 so contact us now for you initial free consult!


- Bedroom declutter & organisation project -

Check out the latest kids bedroom declutter and organisation project that was completed by Team Tidy!

Taking away all unused and unwanted furniture, clothes and toys allowed our client to create more floor space for her girls to simply play!


- Wardrobe declutter & organisation project -

Experiencing issues with a single area of your property?

Team Tidy can assist!

We understand that there may be a certain problem area within your property that you require assistance with or just keep putting off.

This particular project was a Wardrobe declutter and organisation.

Do you wear all the clothes and shoes stored within your wardrobe? Are they easily forgotten about because they are hidden behind closed doors and it a project that can be completed another day? Putting it back in the wardrobe won’t make it magically fit or won’t make you suddenly start wearing the item.

Live for your current life and let Team Tidy assist with the decluttering and organisation of your wardrobe whilst implementing effective storage solutions that will work for your daily life.

Interested in our wardrobe decluttering and organisation services? Have a look through the gallery and contact us today!


- Equipment declutter & organisation project -

Finding it difficult to enforce an effective storage solution for your professional equipment?

At Team Tidy we do understand! There is nothing more frustrating than power cords being untidily stored within a mass of tangle.

Do not let your professional equipment cause stress contact Team Tidy today so we can implement storage solutions that will work for you.

Check out our gallery dedicated to professional equipment storage and contact us to find out when we can help you!